Last Post Apology

As a ready writer for the Lord, I can place up a lot of words and shadow the point I was trying to make some of you may have gotten it,  others not so easy. Summation: Those who claim more of the Spirit of G-d in them gravitate away from those who stand on the word,  know the word,  and love the word.  Men of G-d who bow their knee but lack the Holy Spirit that we confess to having more of. While gravitating more with a group who has hidden the word, lied about who they are and committed numerous atrocities in the name of Jesus.  Who have built their own gallows? So it appears to heavenly Father that Pentecostals, care less about the word and cause others to stumble by embracing the frauds and not the word. 2 Corinthians 6:14 (14)  Be ye not unequally yoked together with… Read moreLast Post Apology