A seal of approval.

Psalms 24:1  The earth is the LORD’S, and the fulness thereof; the world, and they that dwell therein. The above passage tells us that you belong to G-d whether you know it or not. Unbelief in HIM does not make it less so. Hell is for those who reject life, and the author of it. Hell was created for the devil and his angels.   We can’t have troublemakers running around in heaven, or it wouldn’t be heaven at all it would be this,  what we have now. Free will does not diminish in heaven, it is essential to be part of G-d’s kingdom that we honor HIS will.  It began with the angels worshipping the SON.  HE FATHER G-D was not seeking self-adoration.  Any true Christian today cannot deny FATHER worship thanks to the SON and the understanding of HIS divine plan. Oddly??? Psalm 24 and verse 1 reveal something… Read moreA seal of approval.