Good things come in three’s

One is the loneliest number; two can be as bad as one it’s the loneliest number since the number one.  That song was by “Three Dog Night.”  Three is just right, and a three-fold cord is not easily broken. The Father (is the Son) and HE the SON gave up the Ghost upon the cross.  G-d will never let the Spirit of HIS SON ever die it is eternal.  The HOLY SPIRIT guides us into all truth. To sin against the HOLY SPIRIT is a sin that cannot be forgiven.  Denying HIM access to you is a rejection of G-d,   G-d’s SON and G-d’s will. Some say bad things happen in three’s that is because it stems from a place of darkness and negativity. World WAR three is coming, but G-d has a plan where you can escape it. Daniel read the handwriting on the wall, and the King of Babylon made him the third… Read moreGood things come in three’s