The Foolishness of Jealousy

Originally I was going to title this the Antichrist wannabees.  Would anyone dare sit under such men who would be jealous of such a call? I did not want this call it would not have been my first choice. It is G-d who must exact justice and judgment on the wicked I seek they be given mercy before the judgment is passed, a chance to hear the whole message and story. After all the dragon and his church kept the word from the masses and it was my constant cry to G-d to save my stepmother’s soul. What chance did she have LORD? She lost her mother at four years of age and was placed in an orphanage with people who knew you not but said they did. The Bible was hidden from her just as it has been with the world because of these false saints who seek to steal kill and… Read moreThe Foolishness of Jealousy