It’s All About The Erl Earl!

That black gold that Texas tea with record-breaking temperatures that cause us to inhale it like it was air. We are warming our homes heating our cars consuming hours of fuel before we even enter into them.  I say turn up those thermostats and consume that oil if he won’t give me my three and one-half years of harvest he doesn’t need oil for his weapons of war! Stop G-d from having his peace plan and try it another way and as a nation, we suffer the consequences when are we going to learn? Please pray for those who are without heat and for our seniors and may G-d grant many wisdom to those who use standalone heat sources. This cold snap may be a result of a promise I was unable to keep to the congregation at my church. Follow along to understand why. Oil has been a big part of the… Read moreIt’s All About The Erl Earl!