My stepfather the carpenter…Revised

The story of G-d has been written into my life,  I do feel honored and at the same time a little apprehensive.   Coincidentally I work in the transportation industry??? So what do I know about leadership?  I do know good leadership when I see it and hear it, they usually have a membership of more than 100 saints.   I know the enemy does not win because G-d is wiser than he could ever be. The goal be ready for the rapture and be separate from the ones in the world. Show the world there is a better way because we know there is.   Since Christianity was hijacked and taken over by the state of Rome that changed.  They assimilated the culture into Christianity and blurred the line of what is holy from what is not. Everything the state touched and claimed was holy became sacred only for a profit…. Read moreMy stepfather the carpenter…Revised