My GMO diet because real food is not as good as the fake stuff, right Lou?

I have read and watched programs that showed tumors in mice and cancers found in rats who have been fed genetically modified food.  Children have had allergic reactions illnesses and hyperactivity due to the increased market saturation.  If insects and cattle refuse to eat it why do we? I purchased some watermelon slices the other day from my local Wal-Mart they looked ripe and red, but when biting into it, it was like eating the rind. Our government wouldn’t let bad food or cancer causing food on the market and to prove it I’m going to start a regiment of GMO foods in my diet.  We’re all going to die of something and if my hypothesis is right and my life span will be possibly shortened the truth will be making it into the mainstream media shortly. In fact, the five other kings in which the ten will choose the… Read moreMy GMO diet because real food is not as good as the fake stuff, right Lou?

Helping God pay her back double.

Proverbs 21:3  To do justice and judgment is more acceptable to the LORD than sacrifice. He wouldn’t ask us if it couldn’t be done! What the devil means for evil God means for good. I love America there is no other country quite like her on the earth. When I started school, I was taught the pledge of allegiance that ended with,  “One Nation under God with Liberty and Justice for all.”  This pledge gave me hope that someone was watching out for me. That we are land that seeks justice. We sent out more missionaries than any other nation ever had,  printed more Bible’s, have had more denominations spring up more than any other country. The ones that began here  were mostly caused by Church splits people whose love had grown cold for one another. A house divided will fall and siding with a harlot, and her offspring will… Read moreHelping God pay her back double.