Something Smells Fishy

Cat’s love fish and the Lion is part of the cat family, it was the Lion of the tribe of Judah who called his first disciples to follow HIM, and HE would make them fishers of men. It wasn’t the church leadership that he went to.  He chose the fisherman for a reason because it makes a grand statement at the end of the age. The following crop circle as all crop circles have been interpreted by a lowly truck driver with a passion for souls and soul winning.  Given to me by G-d (Jesus) in order to bring hope to the lost and those in the church to the hour.  When he gave it to me, he said it was because others knew me and that passion.  I shouldn’t need to fight in HIS church for what G-d wants to give to me freely. If the devil want’s his temple then he… Read moreSomething Smells Fishy