Revelation Chapter FIVE

For those of you who have been faithful in understanding the word of G-d and following what HE has been revealing to me,  thank you very much I hope you are being blessed.  If we love G-d, we must also love Justice and trust HIM.  On pages menu,  I have “G-d proves the Bible” ( click here) the Bible we know is HIS word spoken by HIM through HIS prophets and agents in love with HIM. As you may have noticed I took triune numbers for each day of the week adding them across gave us the same down and multiplying them by that count pointed me off to a passage that all three triune numbers point too.  If you were diligent and did it for the number nine, you would have discovered Revelation Chapter FIVE.   I didn’t want to give it all away right away,  its part of the fun. Who loves… Read moreRevelation Chapter FIVE