It was the same Palm Sunday crowd.

The same people who shouted Hosanna, Hosanna in the highest also shouted crucify HIM. A message rarely heard, but one man in a crowd of people can stir up controversy, they wanted to free Jesus Barabas rather than Jesus of Nazareth after all, Barabas was the fighter who stood up to the Roman’s you can see G-d’s hand in this ensuring the sacrifice is offered. The things we fail to recognize or see the overthrowing of Rome which has always been the seat of authority that was not G-d’s.  The Jewish people were seeking a king to overthrow Rome and establish G-d’s kingdom on earth.  Something HE is trying to do in the last days but the same kind of crowd protects the wrong Jesus again. Many seem to defend the Christ who continually needs to be offered up on an altar, who provide other intercessors rather than trusting in HIS work… Read moreIt was the same Palm Sunday crowd.

My Stepbrother the Atheist

If there is anyone who holds true to the Christmas spirit it is my stepbrother the Athiest, he always had the nicest real tree decorated with all the trimmings, and the tip of the tree had an angel sitting on top. I enjoyed having Christmas at his home; I do love my stepbrother. As children, we grew up with a tinfoil Alcoa all aluminum tree that came out shortly after Thanksgiving, and we packed it away in its individual sleeves and into the box right after new years. When I was in the first grade, he was in the fourth, and when kids began picking on me, he came over and defended me those are moments you never forget the ones where you feel loved. Maybe that it is why G-d has given him such a good life,  despite his unbelief.  I will bless those who bless you and curse those who… Read moreMy Stepbrother the Atheist