The Highest Ordination

There is no greater call than the call to the body of Christ; G-d called the whole nation of Israel to be priests unto HIM out of all twelve tribes only one stood up to do so,  the tribe of Levi. Through Christ, Father gets what HE wanted men and women all made into Royal Priests. G-d established the priesthood in the wilderness tabernacle because all the others were started by the enemy of our souls both in Babylon and in Egypt, the devil’s religions made slaves of the people to do his bidding using fear and control. G-d wanted to show HIS chosen people the proper methods in which to honor HIM HE gave us laws to live by and set up a priesthood that was designed to end.  No great society can function without law,  G-d’s laws are perfect laws because HE is a perfect G-d. His priesthood was… Read moreThe Highest Ordination

It Really is a Pickle…

Building the NEW WORLD ORDER,  I love Jesus so much for this. It had begun before man was placed on the earth, someone wanted to show the ancient aliens that they did not need to worship the most High G-d the Son to have a functioning society.  The new world order begins. When I say ancient aliens, I’m referring to fallen angels, when I say aliens it would be just angels. I can play this game just as well as the enemy can if not better. We don’t have to agree on everything to be friends in Christ just the major doctrines of the finished work of Christ and all HIS teachings just to be on the safe side. When man is placed here, the ancient aliens are no longer in residence fallen Lucifer / Satan, and the others who took on flesh to live here had died off along… Read moreIt Really is a Pickle…

If thou be…

(Matthew 3:16) And Jesus, when he was baptized, went up straightway out of the water: and, lo, the heavens were opened unto him, and he saw the Spirit of G-d descending like a dove, and lighting upon him: (Matthew 3:17) And lo a voice from heaven, saying, This is my beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased. In the next chapter,  we find the enemy asking Jesus what everyone but him already knows.  From the shepherds tending their flocks when the angels announced HIS birth to what John his cousin knew who baptized HIM. (Matthew 4:3) And when the tempter came to him, he said, If thou be the Son of G-d, command that these stones be made bread. What many fail to realize is that when he was in heaven before the creation of man.  He never looked upon the face of the most high G-d he had only ever… Read moreIf thou be…

Slavery and the men behind it.

Slavery is the act of placing another in chains to serve the one who holds the key to setting them free. It is the slave owner who profits from the work of the slave that he does not have to do himself.  For the Christian,  we were once slaves to sin. Those who remain in this bondage of sin do as the taskmaster over them has programmed them to do, keeping them from being freed,  he blinds their eyes to the maker’s bill of rights. It was a crime to teach a slave to read. The early church of Rome made it a crime to read the Bible. Galatians 5:1-6 (1)  Stand fast therefore in the liberty wherewith Christ hath made us free, and be not entangled again with the yoke of bondage. (2)  Behold, I Paul say unto you, that if ye be circumcised, Christ shall profit you nothing…. Read moreSlavery and the men behind it.