Holding The Truth In Unrighteousness

This is a must reveiew reprint of Charles Finney who is now enjoying his eternal home. He is a great man with a great message that deserves to be reviewed by this final generation. When G-d rewards a man for discovering HIS effigy in Egypt with the world’s wealth the godly should pay attention.  Grab a cookie and some milk and enjoy the message.   Holding The Truth In UnrighteousnessBy The Rev. CHARLES G. FINNEYAugust 14, 28, 1861  For the wrath of G-d is revealed from heaven against all ungodliness and unrighteousness of men, who hold the truth in unrighteousness. Romans 1:18 In speaking from these words I inquire, I. What is ungodliness? The original word means, primarily, to neglect G-d. It is the omission of duty to G-d; the withholding from him of worship, love, confidence, obedience. It is the withholding from G-d that which is his due. II…. Read moreHolding The Truth In Unrighteousness