In the beginning

The earth was without form and void of any intelligent life as we understand it. Genesis 1:2 Jeremiah 4:23 The war begins in the heavens and finds its way to earth. We call them fallen angels not ancient aliens as the fallen angels would have us believe. The whole ancient alien deception is just another way to deny the precious blood of Jesus Christ and HIS work on the cross. First let’s deal with the problem of free will and rebellion so that we can get on with building a utopian society with the actual KING of KINGS. G-d would not allow another community with rebellion in it.  Christ will never have to go through that ever again. Fallen angels had a place here before the creation of humans.  Man was designed to reveal to the faithful Angels who remained with G-d the truth about HIS SON and to educate them on why… Read moreIn the beginning