G-d’s timing…

Whether building a house or a kingdom timing is everything. You cannot place the roof on before the foundation or the walls to hold it in place. In my last post, I talked about everyone possessing a firearm in the last days, I did not explain the simple logic behind it. I knew the wise would figure out most of what we are doing. G-d wants everyone to choose between love or violence. Violence of course is absent of love.  Those who commit it have never really known deep-rooted love. Those who try to love the violent do so without requiring complete holy repentance. Christians should never forget only G-d, and HIS word can change the inner heart of any man. It’s what changed us and tampering with perfection is not smart at all.  To hide G-d’s word from the world is to create monsters and enemies against us.  This would also make… Read moreG-d’s timing…