G-d the gamer…

We are a society that spends billions of dollars on video games, and the boxes that we play them on. I never cared to play them, as a kid playtime rarely came recess was the highlight of my day, and I was manic once on the playground. I was born in 1959, so there were not a lot of cool toys in my childhood, a ball on a wooden paddle attached with an elastic kept us busy for minutes. G-d likes games but not the bad ones. Eternity is a long time and while worship will abound, we will still interact with one another. The games of today prepare us for violence and war. This is not the direction we should be seeking. G-d tells us HE will give us the desires of our hearts. I know HIM well enough to say, yes HE definitely will. G-d is a lover… Read moreG-d the gamer…