Bill Orielly and the Holy Spirit

Does the Holy Spirit favor National Socialism of the Nazi kind? I truly doubt it but in the light of my Protestant/Catholic ministers message on Sunday he certainly does. You can only warn and do so much to try to open the eyes of the damned, those who are building their own gallows and calling evil as good. There is a reason our enemies rise up against us, and it usually happens to be G-d allowing  evil to be punished by the wicked or vice versa. Whose attention is G-d trying to get hold of in these last moments of time? Who is He trying to get to repent? Who uses his name in vain and treats G-d’s holy things like tools to destroy nations while ignoring the messengers he sends? America should never deny their Protestant heritage or the reason why our Puritan settlers came here in the first… Read moreBill Orielly and the Holy Spirit

We learn nothing, so why even bother?

I do not expect those who never heard, to understand the knowledge of the Holy, how can they? For we are told unless they hear they will not come. How can they hear if no one tells them? Soon we will be gone and only the 144,000 left in place. False teachers have said angels will appear and seal each on their forehead with the seal of G-d. So if G-d who desires that no one perishes is going to wait after we are gone to expose great angels who seal the 144,000 why wait to do it? Why not do it while we are all here so we can help explain it and bring souls to the cross. If angels did appear that would not require 144,000 it alone would be a definite faith booster for most people, and that is not how G-d operates. G-d takes no pleasure… Read moreWe learn nothing, so why even bother?