The wicked walk on every side when…

the vilest men are exalted.  Psalm 12:8 Who put this vile man in the White House? 700 billion disappeared from your economy in 2008 to place a counterfeit Muslim messiah in the White House to create false peace in the middle east and no children of light notice? It was the large banks with the big money using America’s muscle to consume others. Idolaters are all around us in our politics and no children of light notice? Pastors seeking power from above looking for the Antichrist and how does that bring G-d any glory? How does that bring the people any warning? After reading Ezekiel 33 you may feel your minister is out of touch with reality and does not know G-d if they seek to exalt the vile men already above! Don’t be blind to what G-d wants to do, it is your loved ones at stake and some… Read moreThe wicked walk on every side when…