The Winning Hand Played in the 21’st Century

Twenty-one in a card game is called black jack twenty-one in the Bible is called giving the devil a black eye. We are in the 21st century the hour of Christ’s soon appearing.  I was asked by Jesus to let you all know He is on His way. Just as the first rebellion in heaven took place where Father tried to restore worship back to His Son’s throne by handing His lamps to a new cherub fresh off the creation line,  it is happening again.  Only this time it is the clergy who does not want to see the bringer of light.  So they behave in the same way they did in heaven jealous of the covering made for the Son.  (Genesis 37:3-4) Rather than assist him to bring back the lost they feel there is no need for the covering and turn him against G-d. (Genesis 37:31-32)  What was the light Lucifer… Read moreThe Winning Hand Played in the 21’st Century