St. Stephan’s Downs Corhampton Hampshire 6/20/2005

This phenomenon has us wanting to take the extended lines and wrap them around the globe in order to connect to the other tower. This reveals who really is behind the destruction and death of 1, 000’s of lives on September 11, 2001. We are looking at twins we are looking at towers.  Why did G-d wait until 2005 to point it out? This would be coming up on its four-year anniversary. I found out about it in June of 2009 four years from its making or eight years after the event. Was G-d giving them time to come clean? Timing is everything! By the way, four does relate to the first four commandments,  keep those in mind always. In 2006, the 911 Truth Movement singled out Vice President Dick Cheney as the first choice for being brought to justice for his treasonous acts in complicity with the attacks of… Read moreSt. Stephan’s Downs Corhampton Hampshire 6/20/2005

The original debate continues…

Does G-d have a Son or does He not? Yes / No Is the Son necessary for the harmony of creation? Yes / No No matter how you answer someone still needs a peace plan, in order to have his temple built in Jerusalem. Revelation says just before Jesus arrives and sets up his millennial reign the creature has his time. We know G-d promised that His enemy could rule as G-d in the temple for seven years. Nothing happens without G-d’s approval we should have learned that in the book of Job. As Christians we know G-d keeps His promises and we know Jesus planted seed for the harvest in His 3.5 years of ministry, if a harvest like in Pharaohs dream of Genesis 41:15 -53 is seven years and the famine is seven years,  that leaves Jesus with how many years to complete His half? Hidden within those… Read moreThe original debate continues…