The Sheep to his right …The right hand of Jesus

Again dealing with the wilderness tabernacle we look at three  more tribes and three more of their zodiac signs on the southern side.  It is the right side of the cross the side the sheep will stand on,  on judgment day. Last post we looked at the left side, the northern side.  We learned the tribes were of the children of the servants to Leah and Rachel.  G-d favored the North and knew his enemy would seek that ground while in the south no one is flying around on his birthday trying to steal his glory.  In the south pole, there are no toy shops or money-hungry despots mocking him, it is filled with wounded souls caused by the northern side a side of ignorance and blindness born of the warmongers and the greedy that follow the first warmonger.     G-d has revealed himself to the south.  It is… Read moreThe Sheep to his right …The right hand of Jesus