The Earth is the Lords, and He may give it to whomever He wills…

He simply placed a value on His Son. What is G-d’s Son’s honor worth to Him?   What is Jesus’s honor valued at to you?   After all, He is the only-begotten Son of G-d full of grace and truth who suffered for the sins of the world, mine and yours. Real Christians know that G-d loves truth and hates liars. So no liar would get any reward from G-d. They are to have their place in the lake of fire with eternal torment  if the blind follow along it simply reveals apathy to any truth on their part. The truth sets people free and these people who follow the blind care not for others let alone themselves.  Satan would certainly not honor Jesus as the only way to G-d. There can be no other just one corner-stone is needed to build the perfect house and Jesus is that cornerstone. Defeating his… Read moreThe Earth is the Lords, and He may give it to whomever He wills…

Where light should shine…

G-d is the Father of lights, and we also know Lucifer was once a light bearer hence his name. A created being to shine on the Son, bringing praise and glory to the Father. Now he rules darkness, in which he does not do this any longer; he tries to keep others from seeing the truth. Darkness denies G-d in order to keep the blind, blind. It may go as far as letting others believe in other gods while it keeps them from the true creator and his immeasurable love. Matthew 5:14-20 (14) Ye are the light of the world. A city that is set on an hill cannot be hid. (15) Neither do men light a candle, and put it under a bushel, but on a candlestick; and it giveth light unto all that are in the house. (16) Let your light so shine before men, that they may see… Read moreWhere light should shine…

A tabernacle of tears…

The image is that of a temple we find throughout America within them people whom deny the very deity of Christ while they place his name on their delusional misunderstanding of his word. Above the temple the star of Bethlehem. At Christmas, these people shine as they sing wonderfully while they bring no joy to G-d. G-d inhabits the praises of his people so when you see their Christmas specials, and you praise him of course you feel his presence.  However, let us not toss aside wisdom and discernment just because we feel good,  while they praise their version of  our Christ.  Pay attention, and you’ll see it is a Christ, whom failed that his promises were untrustworthy his work did not atone for mans sins.   Matthew 15:8  These people draweth nigh unto me with their mouth, and honoureth me with their lips; but their heart is far from… Read moreA tabernacle of tears…