A tabernacle of tears…

The image is that of a temple we find throughout America within them people whom deny the very deity of Christ while they place his name on their delusional misunderstanding of his word. Above the temple the star of Bethlehem. At Christmas, these people shine as they sing wonderfully while they bring no joy to G-d. G-d inhabits the praises of his people so when you see their Christmas specials, and you praise him of course you feel his presence.  However, let us not toss aside wisdom and discernment just because we feel good,  while they praise their version of  our Christ.  Pay attention, and you’ll see it is a Christ, whom failed that his promises were untrustworthy his work did not atone for mans sins.   Matthew 15:8  These people draweth nigh unto me with their mouth, and honoureth me with their lips; but their heart is far from… Read moreA tabernacle of tears…