A spaceship? Kind of…

This was one of the earliest crop circles made and because they were so new,  people did not know what to make of them. G-d would be furthest from the mind that is held  in darkness and if darkness was going to have a say it would not conceive G-d as being the author of such elaborate designs. If the prince of darkness knew it was G-d behind them those in darkness would buy any lie he said. He would even send in counterfeiters to disguise the originals that is what he does with religion as well.  He makes many phonies some foolish and some not so foolish,  because he sees men as unintelligent and he dumbs them down to steal their souls. Isaiah 5:20  Woe unto them that call evil good, and good evil; that put darkness for light, and light for darkness; that put bitter for sweet, and… Read moreA spaceship? Kind of…