Those were the daze…

Remember the good old days when it was the Roman empire killing people telling them to convert or die? That more Christians were killed by them after their amazing Pauline conversion than all the ones before. Revelation 6:10 those are my brothers and sisters whose blood cries out to be avenged.  Add that to all those patriot Christians who died protecting America only to have their efforts undermined by the vast wealth of Rome as it placed a false messiah like figure into the White house in the 2008 election. Is this what they died for and is 700 billion enough for all that bloodshed in all those wars since America was founded? 9/11 showed those in high-ranking positions what they are truly capable of doing to avast more wealth. Those who dare to oppose them place their family and lives on the line. This alone is a an outrage… Read moreThose were the daze…