Dinosaurs walked on tippie toes.

I recently read an article that a dear brother and minister of the gospel  liked on Facebook I commented and asked a question. I was not trying to be argumentative but intelligent pointing out places in scripture that support what G-d has revealed to me. We lost science because men refused to believe that the Sun did not evolve around the Earth. I am asked to believe that T-Rex was a plant eater and that Adam named him along with all the other animals. Obviously Rex delicately removed the caterpillars from each of the leaves before eating it before the fall of man. Because according to the article  death came only after the fall of man.  The Bible does offer us another conclusion. Proverbs 8:36 But he that sinneth against me wrongeth his own soul: all they that hate me love death. We are to be ministers of reconciliation reconciling… Read moreDinosaurs walked on tippie toes.