Counterproductive Fishing

Jesus knew how to fish and where to fish; the different side of the boat is a metaphor for fishing for men; in this lesson, every religion has divisions within it. Mormons one insists on many wives, the other side one wife, Seventh Day Adventists spun off Branch Davidians, Catholicism (Roman separated from the Church founded in Constantinople the Greek), Baptists (Sothern and American). The list is endless, and these divisions can be healed and repaired in a straightforward act. With the Jewish people coming into the kingdom of God and becoming “Born Again” Christians themselves, once we define what being born again is. Jesus said, in the last days, he would turn his face once again back towards them after the time of the gentiles ended. Being “Born Again” is not remaining antisemitic, and those who it happened to come out of antisemitic churches like Roman Catholicism or Greek… Read moreCounterproductive Fishing

Sticks and Stones

Children who have grown up in Alcoholic homes have been berated by name calling. It is a sad person’s way of making themselves seem significant over another.  I remember well when I got my call, a man referring to himself as a “Reverand” told me they had another spelling for the name dirtbag and proceeded to spell my last name, which has eight letters.  I kindly responded, “it was divinely given to me and is French meaning beautiful place.” In comparison to my inner spirit man who was fit to be tied. What was placed in me to give me the answers to all of my questions and solve the mystery of the crop circles? Does the light get angry, and can the light also be responsible for making the carrier what he is? Imagine before the fall the light bearer walking in the congregation and hearing the angels disrespecting… Read moreSticks and Stones

Child Abuse and Neglect is a Reproach to any Nation and the Cause for Judgement.

Recently after discovering and bringing to light mass graves of Children found at residential schools throughout Canada where the Catholic Church operated, Pope Francis brought his apology. Where is the apology from the Royal who allowed it? Canada was under a Protestant Monarchy. It was a trade of one savagery for another. The hiding and misinterpretation of scripture are what the Pope and his Church should be truly asking forgiveness for. Without the word of God in the hands of the people educating them is fruitless. The priesthood does this, and they have chosen their HOLY FATHER because they do not know the HOLY FATHER Jesus came to lift up. I am pro-life, adopted, and also a victim of abuse. Caring for the unborn is admirable; what about the living ones who made it out? What are you doing for them? In 1972, Watergate took place, and Henry Kissinger opened… Read moreChild Abuse and Neglect is a Reproach to any Nation and the Cause for Judgement.

Finding The Missing Five Holy Fathers or are Two Imposters not even part of the SEVEN?

hosts of heaven sending Satan into the pit.

If imposters exist, why, and where are they taking their followers? A house divided against itself cannot stand; the word tells us that the lost will know us by our love.  If the lost are looking in, and they are, they also have opinions, and their decision against Christ is that there is no order and a lot of uncertainty; the message of salvation is lost on them. For the elect of God, the chosen children of Abraham do not see Christ in the antisemitic Roman culture. That still allows idols in the Church because they deleted the second commandment. The following is an outsider looking in on YouTube and placed on a channel that I support; Wretched Radio; thank you, Todd. To solve this problem, start sealing the 144000 and focus on the FIVE Churches serving the invisible HOLY FATHER as Jesus did, and the other two will fall… Read moreFinding The Missing Five Holy Fathers or are Two Imposters not even part of the SEVEN?

Finding The Missing Five Holy Fathers or are Two Imposters not even part of the SEVEN?

hosts of heaven sending Satan into the pit.

If imposters exist, why, and where are they taking their followers? A house divided against itself cannot stand; the word tells us that the lost will know us by our love.  If the lost are looking in, and they are, they also have opinions, and their decision against Christ is that there is no order and a lot of uncertainty; the message of salvation is lost on them. For the elect of God, the chosen children of Abraham do not see Christ in the antisemitic Roman culture. That still allows idols in the Church because they deleted the second commandment. The following is an outsider looking in on YouTube and placed on a channel that I support; Wretched Radio; thank you, Todd. To solve this problem, start sealing the 144000 and focus on the FIVE Churches serving the invisible HOLY FATHER as Jesus did, and the other two will fall… Read moreFinding The Missing Five Holy Fathers or are Two Imposters not even part of the SEVEN?

The Curse

In a Protestant Authorized Version of the Bible, the KJV, the word curse appears 101 times in 92 verses. The word cursed 72 times in 68 verses, curses eight times, eight verses, cursing 12 times in 12 verses, and the word curseth ten times in 10 verses.  Genesis 12:3, Numbers 24:9, and Proverbs 30:11 are just three of those times. Genesis 12:3 KJV  And I will bless them that bless thee, and curse him that curseth thee: and in thee shall all families of the earth be blessed. Numbers 24:9 KJV   He couched, he lay down as a lion, and as a great lion: who shall stir him up? Blessed is he that blesseth thee, and cursed is he that curseth thee. Proverbs 30:11 KJV  There is a generation that curseth their father and does not bless their mother. In 203 places, we find a form of the word… Read moreThe Curse

Was the night before EXODUS…

And all through the houses, all the firstborns were sleeping, While the SON of God’s effigy remained in the dirt. All the children of Israel, with their sufferings and hurt, Spent four hundred years hiding this sin. It should be used to reveal the one true God to take lost souls in. Those who helped him willingly to hide it as well, They made their abode in a place we call hell. He wasn’t a friend, not even a brother; he was created for the congregation of angels to reveal the value of the other. The angels oohed and awed at his fancy coverings and size. He was to uncover the truth, but he chose to tell lies. The lambs sacrificed the blood put on the doors; All because someone wanted more. He wanted to create; he wanted power. To place his angels in leading positions and rule the hour…. Read moreWas the night before EXODUS…

Transgender and the art of Confusion

My initials are B. A. B. E. L., and when it comes to the confusion, I know it all too well.    Let us drop the first B and talk about eternity. When we first find Abel in the Bible, his offering is respected. God was pleased that someone got it and understood the value of the sacrifice. Church, the Transgender and LBGTQ people, must be loved, not just tolerated; this is an issue that must be addressed before rapture because of their numbers. The culture reveals the Church has failed its mission. They need to know whether their partner truly loves them or not when they are faced with taking the mark or going into heaven where there is no suffering. The righteous half stands up against a priesthood that adds and subtracts from God’s word who has created this system by their unnatural affection to staying single and… Read moreTransgender and the art of Confusion

Battle Cry – We Don’t LOVE TRUTH and God Rejoices In It. The TRUTH that is.

Battle Cry is a publication produced by a great man who won many souls to Christ; amazing how his appointed time called home points to it is a wise man who wins souls. Before you judge me, know that the KJV served us and built America setting countless souls free from the clutches of the priesthood. Without it, there would have never been prosperity so great in both England and America. Watch how God takes it away. I believe the KJV has one more great REVIVAL understanding of what is revealed here. It is only the devils who like all the other translations and for a reason. : if you love God, you love HIS word and TRUTH! Tampering with God’s word has consequences. I listed the translations alongside the financial judgment that followed them in the text below. Much like the tract “Somebody Angry,” the final Judgment is America… Read moreBattle Cry – We Don’t LOVE TRUTH and God Rejoices In It. The TRUTH that is.

Fighting For The One You Love

It just doesn’t happen in Hallmark Movies; it also takes place in real life. You seek a soulmate, and one comes along. Usually, they come in pairs, and there is a decision to be made to choose the one who will treat you better and love you the longest they are going to be the better candidate. Many women feel good at seeing the rivalry and chivalry on their behalf, but theologically one is good, and the other is a poor choice. Look to see just how much they love God and HIS word watch to see how God prospers him like he did Jacob, and Joseph. God loves America when it does the right things, but after WWII, they did not exact justice for HIS people. They embraced the darkness, and everything began to escalate from there. However, the false Church had been setting up shop since it was… Read moreFighting For The One You Love

A world full of lies and liars who can you trust?

An acquaintance of mine posted this on her Facebook page, “Hope deferred makes the heart sick prisoners of hope!” Every Government minus the Government of God has killed its people.  Socialism and communism have placed many of their people to death. Our America has been taken over by a socialist agenda that requires a dictator. Getting America back before the next financial collapse may be too hopeful for those who even think they walk in the light. My hope is built on nothing less Than Jesus Christ, my righteousness; I dare not trust the sweetest frame, But wholly lean on Jesus’ name. On Christ, the solid Rock, I stand; All other ground is sinking sand, All other ground is sinking sand. 2 When darkness veils His lovely face, I rest on His unchanging grace; In every high and stormy gale, My anchor holds within the veil. On Christ, the solid… Read moreA world full of lies and liars who can you trust?

KJV the Word of Choice For Harvest Purposes – Here is Why

First, it was written when men truly feared God they did not have TV or radio they had more time for prayer, King James was a Protestant who placed guards on the doors to ensure the Papist could not interject their lies within it. Had the gunpowder plot not been foiled in 1605 the KJV would have never happened.  The plot was done by the devil using his church, God would never hinder the word from being in the hands of the people. Though Satan and his church would, even create fictitious signs and wonders contrary to the teachings of the Bible they did not want anyone reading. If you were going to read it the devil needed to take out the parts that point to him directly and bring questionable gifts into the church that the ecumenical people can stand behind or is that fall? Making us doubt truth… Read moreKJV the Word of Choice For Harvest Purposes – Here is Why

Found Wanting

We all know it comes before six, or at least should. The below image has 12 all-seeing eyes surrounding the Asian symbol for balance; each eye has four lines, and four times 12 is 48; add the two sections that make up the yin and yang for 50.  The all-seeing eyes with a dot in the middle means not to count or subtract twelve. If we had added them to make 62 Psalm 62 is worth the read; it has 12 verses. However, the idea overall is to highlight the fives in Psalm 50:1-23. Psalm 50:5, Psalm 50:15, Psalm 50:23, and Psalm 62:5. Psalm 50:23 is one of the reasons I fear not being able to use the crop images as they keep me in the right conversation. The yin and yang represent balance.  The symbol is used throughout China and Asian cultures.  Here it is surrounded by the enemy… Read moreFound Wanting

No Where to Run, No Where to Hide.

During WWII, when the Socialist NAZI Party were in power, you could hide God’s chosen people and protect them in Barns and buildings with false walls. They had a chance, and in this new system with facial recognition, RFID chips, cell phones, and heat-sensing equipment, hiding Christians and Jewish people will most likely be impossible. God, who loves us beyond measure, has a place where we can all hide until the wicked finish destroying themselves. But you must be “Born Again” and not an apostate that keeps the Jewish people from finding Christ. Jews who will not come to Christ will be left behind, including those who failed to show them the Christ of scripture or took a stand not to protect HIS word and embrace HIS laws. Isaiah 26:10-21 KJV (10)  Let favour be shewed to the wicked, yet will he not learn righteousness: in the land of uprightness… Read moreNo Where to Run, No Where to Hide.

We are not alone

When I was called I was told it was because people knew me, those who know me know my stand. So many refuse to acknowledge what this young saint Colin Miller is keenly aware of, the peer pressure at times seems overwhelming to bow to this beast, and this comes also from my friends, he has built his new world order and now needs a peace plan. Do you think the angels will leave behind those who offend the Jewish people?  After all the angels who remained behind with God and kept the law are represented in the Jew the angels rejoiced at the appearance of Abel, giving them hope of the coming Son? Standing with those who offend them obviously makes us no better than them and we deserve the same punishment as well. Sure we may become better witnesses when the Church without spot or blemish is removed… Read moreWe are not alone