Archives: Videos
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How some children at the Kamloops residential school died
How the Catholic Church Hid Away Hundreds of Irish Children | Times Documentaries
The priest’s confession: What the Catholic bishops knew – The Fifth Estate
Stolen Children | Residential School survivors speak out
Death at Residential Schools
Dec 20, 2015, This week the Truth and Reconciliation Commission released its final report. Among its findings, more details on the scale of tragedy at residential schools. Thousands of children died in that system. And that number only begins to show how lives were erased and loving families were changed forever.
Residential school survivor talks about the electric chair at St. Anne’s school
Some of the priests and nuns who ran residential schools are still alive: Cameron
The Secret Sin Invading Christianity
I talk a lot about what goes on in some churches when it comes to spiritual experiences with God. Some are on one side of the pendulum and are very insistent that supernatural encounters should be normal and constant, while others are perfectly spiritually content without them. Not to mention many are willing to enter into New Age practices just to have MORE encounters with God. How does this happen? How is there such a divide? I have a theory. And it has to do with idolatry. Specifically, idolatry of the supernatural and a lust for experience.
Saved or Self-Deceived, Part 2 (Matthew 7:21-27)
Saved or Self-Deceived, Part 1 (Selected Scriptures)
So about those sideways cross necklaces…
Personally, I find the sideways cross a revelation of the outline of the wilderness tabernacle. The left arm faces north where the goats will stand in judgment who seek power and the right arm south where the sheep stand having humbled themselves to the power of God. The legs face east Judah the Lion in which supports us and the mind of Christ is the worlds west the head of Christ high technology to get the message out before rapture.