American Mercy

We ended WWII by revealing to the world the power of the United States of America by dropping two nuclear devices on two cities, wiping out 105,000 souls in an instant. Before doing so, we dropped leaflets in both cities, warning them what was headed their way. What no gospel tracts??? It was America, after all, a Christian Nation. We could at least have given them some hope of an afterlife. The angels and I are doing it before we unleash the full extent of our power. The image you see is found in fallout shelters everywhere; it is the universal sign for radiation which burns the flesh right off the bone of a man or a woman; children are just as susceptible to it. The plague in Zecharia eludes to this kind of weapon. Zechariah 5:1-4 KJV (1) Then I turned, and lifted up mine eyes, and looked, and behold… Read moreAmerican Mercy