Demon’s Among Us How to Deal

On the day of Pentecost, the believers were gathered in the upper room, the word tells us they were in one accord awaiting the promise of the HOLY SPIRIT the comforter, the oil of God to make the work easier. I have not buried my talent but made it global so that everyone may hear the word that the devil does not want them to hear. Even as a watchmen sounded the alarm but no one wants to hear hard things many like to be coddled. They wanted to shove me away and silence me keep me from the cards and the websites. The image is what this fallen angel looks like in the spiritual realm, the book of Enoch supports their change in the fall.  The circle reveals once holy now evil and disgusting something God hopes you do not want to spend eternity with. In the tribulation, the… Read moreDemon’s Among Us How to Deal