Reading the Bible for Yourself is Fundamental More Light Added

The definition of insanity is repeating the same thing and expecting different results every time. It has been over 2000 thousand years the ones who want to control have been doing the same thing, and the same results happen. Note the S patterns are they for Salvation or Slaying in the Spirit?  We do have a passage here that addresses that very topic. Which of the two is more Important? The center of this book has 24 raised…

Whatever happened to Blessed is He who Comes in the name of the Lord?

The featured image is the face of a man, and God made us in his image. It was part of the returned Aricebo message found in Chilbolton (Chilbolton is a village and civil parish in Hampshire, England). I happen to live in Hampshire, New Testament England. Making these crop images were balls of light (eyewitnesses).  God again, we know, is the Father of lights. He wrote his story into my life, making me sort of like the living…

Improved Lights Entering the World to Light the Way For Christ.

Well, not improved; after all, Jesus Christ created all the animals.  Man can’t do that with all his high-tech gear. We can make life and take life away. However, that was part of the fall, the first one that is. There have been three significant fallings since God began this.   I only said they were improved to draw your attention to them and get somebody’s goat, and he knows who he is. This is a continuation of Sharing the…

Light Emanating from the Holy One On to the World I saw the Light

Shine Jesus Shine That’s what this one reveals that the HOLY ONE in the center is Jesus Shining (God is, of course, not a crop circle; HE is spirit)  now, HE has a body that the angels can see but was first seen by man, they were watching to see why they were worshipping HIM.  We call HIM Jesus. He is revealing himself to be holy complete in need of nothing satisfied.  He emanates light 8 points surrounding…

Lighting the Menorah-Pay Attention to step 3

On this Menorah there are 12 flatten circular sections; there are twelve tribes of Israel. The most significant light gets lit first and then the others as outlined below. It would help if you did not ever extinguish the first light /candle; there are consequences when trying to light the others: the more truth one has the more valuable he is to the kingdom God rejoices in it, the more value, the greater the light. You have been…