Bill W. has nothing on David R.

The faith of a mustard seed can move mountains. It is not the size of the faith as much as it is to whom we place it in. AA teaches one to place their faith in a higher power, hoping that the person will eventually gravitate toward the true high power?? No, it needs to be said who the only God and King is and who can truly deliver you. These groups do not want to discuss religion because who can really say or know God, and well, people do not like it when you tell them you can communicate with a higher power who can also communicate to you. God does communicate through HIS HOLY WRIT, and to know HIM is to know HIS Word. Heaven and earth shall pass away, but HIS word shall endure forever. I mean, he has told me on one occasion in 1978 I… Read moreBill W. has nothing on David R.