It’s not genetics it’s spiritual.

Genetics has nothing to do with whether you will be like a descendant in performing the same acts of cruelty or become a drinker, drug addict, or whatever else you become. Please do not blame it on the genes you wear; they only determine physical features. The spirit is up to you. Blame your darkness or propensity towards violence on the spirits attached to the family tree 99.999 percent of the time JESUS can help you overcome whatever you may be going through but you need to make the .0001 effort. The faith of a mustard seed. It’s in who its in not so much its size. I’m a man I have feet of clay like everyone else and I will fail you at some point, HE will not. Exodus 20:4-6 KJV (4)  Thou shalt not make unto thee any graven image or any likeness of any thing that is… Read moreIt’s not genetics it’s spiritual.