The Confusion of Fear and the Law that Overcomes It.

Proverbs 9:10 KJV (10)  The fear of the LORD is the beginning of wisdom: and the knowledge of the holy is understanding. Judgment (9) comes because we break the 10 commandments, commandments were given to us after the exodus out of Egypt where God instilled fear upon the Egyptians only because they were worshiping false gods who robbed the people from knowing HIM. He told Moses to tell Pharoah to let HIS ELECT go and worship HIM outside the city of Egypt where HE could establish proper worship and reveal the importance of the sacrifice. At the time they had no understanding as to govern themselves. In the wilderness, they learn all that pleases God and what does not. Until the time of Moses, there were no laws,  only the ones that are written on our hearts from birth. Before God handed Moses the law a great King by the… Read moreThe Confusion of Fear and the Law that Overcomes It.