Water Into Wine Hypocrisy or The Best Lesson Evah?

Ever hear how the first shall be last? In this message, we find Mary’s only commandment given in scripture to the servers of the wedding feast,  “Do whatever HE tells you.” Several things are involved in this story; it may be the most significant message in the scriptures better than anyone I know that Jesus’s first miracle is similiar to what will be the earth’s last miracle for the Church. Growing up in an Alcoholic home, this is the story I heard about the most, and everyone who has a problem with drinking uses it to excuse their ignorance of the message it conveys. Wine has always represented throughout the scriptures the spirit of God. In this scenario, Jesus is letting us know HIS Spirit is the sweetest and best Spirit and at the end of the age when HE changes us from this world into the other (rapture) to… Read moreWater Into Wine Hypocrisy or The Best Lesson Evah?