Pandemic or Tactic? You be the Judge?

America land of the free and the home of the brave it is called that for a reason many of our soldiers perished in wars began by the wicked who have taken our shores covertly and destroyed our freedoms so that their continued existence is not challenged. I for one would like to challenge it.   Jesus set the record straight when HE said it was finished. He ended the priesthood that HE alone ordained to offer up sacrifices and with HiS own sacrifice. He no longer needed such a system, someone else did. God had given us the cornerstone and all successful societies like our America followed HIS example. The question is does free will end here and are we automatons on the other side?   If America were heaven and of course it is not, however, no one can deny it was pretty close to it in its heyday… Read morePandemic or Tactic? You be the Judge?