It’s Pi Day and Albert Einstein’s Birthday

Also on this very day in 2018 Stephen Hawking another noted physicist went into eternity adamant that God did not exist. My only son was also born on this incredible day who is now 36 who needs to get right with God. So seeing both Phycysist one Einstein a Jewish man who won America the war with his understanding of atomic physics, but when it came to God he was not so smart he never accepted Christ as his savior and  Hawking denied the significance of Christ existed by denying that God existed.  I would never do that, that’s a fool’s game one where you are certain to lose because Hawking did. When I realized what was in Egypt and that it was fallen angels, not Ancient Aliens that were here before man God spoke to me saying I was smarter than Einstein because I gave my life to Jesus… Read moreIt’s Pi Day and Albert Einstein’s Birthday