Pentecost and Pentecostalism Part One is that Really the HOLY SPIRIT?

One had its beginning fifty days after the ascension of Christ as Jesus took HIS Place at  HIS Fathers Right Hand, and the angels rejoiced over the victory of the Son of God.  They had been waiting a long time to meet the one Father spoke so highly of,  faith was necessary in heaven as well and always shall be a requirement.  We will only ever see the FATHER  in the life of the SON and in HIS new creation.    I believe that when Jesus entered heaven, it was grander than his entrance into Jerusalem a week earlier. I believe the rejoicing of the angels spilled over into the earth, and for every soul saved that day only added more to their celebration. Peter, on that day, became empowered by the HOLY SPIRIT  to preach on Pentecost the same PETER  Jesus asked three times to feed and take care… Read morePentecost and Pentecostalism Part One is that Really the HOLY SPIRIT?