Treasure Hunting the Scriptures Locating the Clues

The greatest treasures are found in the Bible; then, the next greatest treasures would be a man who finds a good woman or a woman who finds the right man who produces their own gems and makes them children of the kingdom. Proverbs 22:6 KJV  Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it. God loves to treasure hunt; the greatest treasures stand out by themselves as he places the finishing touches and places polish on the stones. God values every preacher who sees the value of Christ and honors God’s word. Honor the word, accept the plan. In the word of God, the real precious jewels are the scripture passages that stand by themselves, so important are these scriptures are to the riddle they are recorded only once. If the world were a chessboard, God added another piece… Read moreTreasure Hunting the Scriptures Locating the Clues