Education is better than ignorance and those in the know are sure to go.

Those who lust after power or seek power over another hide the truth.  By doing so it is meant to enslave people creating a dependency on those claiming to be in the know.   Who in the eyes of God really know nothing but cunning ways to entrap a mans soul to do another mans bidding. Look at me paving the road to hell with my good intentions! Well, we do have eyewitnesses that will tell you some of these were made in a blink of an eye. It may be an attempt at human psychology? Ignore what is right in front of you and provoke anger saves souls how? The signs and wonders are here pointing to the word wonder what’s going to happen when God’s chosen gets to preach what is here.  Most revival’s start when the man God anoints gets to teach and preach. Would it be safe… Read moreEducation is better than ignorance and those in the know are sure to go.