Human Psychology is no Match for the Truth

The very fact it has human in its name should give away as to how flawed it is. The image is Wilhelm Maximilian Wundt born 16 August 1832 and died 15 days after his 88th birthday August 31, 1920. He is the father of psychology and a German we all know how they felt about God and the people of God later on down the road as the door begins to open to Satan’s religions those people always could spin the truth. When it comes to psychology most people think it was Sigmund Freud who was an Austrian a disciple of Wilhelm along with two other disciples of his both German’s as well (I see a pattern developing here do you?)  Friedrich Albert Moritz Schlick and Emil Kraepelin one should always be aware of the roots of their religion or pseudo-religion they attach themselves too. Psychology denies sin or the… Read moreHuman Psychology is no Match for the Truth

The Problem with Priests

Proverbs 14:12  There is a way which seemeth right unto a man, but the end thereof are the ways of death. The featured image is the funeral of Pope John Paul II who passed away on 2 April 2005 (aged 84) God knows the day of the end of a man’s life  2+4+20+05+84 = Psalm 115:1-18  and if I were them I would stay away from colors like Purple and Scarlet that we find in Revelation 18:16 Before the time of Moses, the false gods had themselves, priests, men who profited off the fears of the people and made them serve their false gods. The reality was the people were made into their servants to serve them and not the true God of creation. Did the men who would serve these false gods create them, or was it a demon who created them? I believe they took the roles men… Read moreThe Problem with Priests