“The Promise” was a movie about the Armenian Genocide.

I had an Armenian Pastor who mentioned something about this holocaust against his people that took place back in 1915 44 years before my birth; two world wars took place before 1959.  I never paid any attention until this week when I saw this movie with Christian Bale who played an Associated Press reporter in the country at the time, of course, Hollywood placed a love story within this gruesome tragedy. Oddly God has a love story written into HIS story as well. The Turkish government still refuses to acknowledge it happened so repentance and surrender to Christ to gain entrance into heaven will not happen for many of their leadership. We require repentance and a born again experience to gain entrance into the kingdom of heaven, John 3:3-7. You let the dead bury the dead. Many Armenians were real Christians, and heaven was their destination.  They will be joined… Read more“The Promise” was a movie about the Armenian Genocide.