Standing on my promise not laying on my back.

G-d is one who keeps HIS promises, and HE holds us to ours. The devil would rather see us laying on our backs rather than standing on God’s word. We cannot claim the devil has counterfeited this experience when in fact it was in Hinduism first and was there before the church became wild with it. The culture from the area master slayer himself Benny Hinn had been born around,  it is middle eastern in its origin. The video attached does a side by side comparison of the religion of Hinduism its practice and the one we are seeing in the Church. Unfortunately, a church I attended was grouped into the mix though they toyed with it as well.   The laughter movement was of God what they were experiencing was not the Hinduistic spirit but the angels at play doing something more for my benefit and the Church and world… Read moreStanding on my promise not laying on my back.