A deals a deal God keeps HIS Promises!

In the kingdom of G-d there sat a throne a seat that sat emptied. The angels insisted the Son show himself.  Some hoped in faith while others remained skeptical that HE ever would show up.  Is it history repeating itself? Is it happening on earth as it was in heaven?  To which of the angels did he ever say sit at my right hand until I make your enemies your footstool? The question is meant to convey the answer… TO NONE! Jesus is not an angel but the very incarnation of G-d himself here in the earth. In heaven, G-d is spirit and the angels seen G-d the Father but they could not understand the purpose or the VALUE in worshipping G-d the Son. I serve one G-d revealed in three persons they are Father, Son, and Holy Spirit! Deuteronomy 6:4-5  Hear, O Israel: The LORD our God is one LORD:… Read moreA deals a deal God keeps HIS Promises!