Positive Possession a.k.a. Born Again

We who are of the household of faith have been born anew for the new heavens and the new earth to come. When we think of possession, it is generally in the negative sense a demonic takeover.  Those who have been born from above and received the holy spirit need not worry about the former type of possession. However, deceit is not off the table and discernment of such matters are heightened by those who walk in the light as HE is in the light. There are tares among us in our pulpits and in the congregation, and they all defend the harlot. The elect we are told cannot be deceived. Unfortunately, many deceived people think they are elect.   We know them as cults who deny the deity and finished work of Christ adding to the work as if the work HE has done was not complete. Look at the vast numbers of people who… Read morePositive Possession a.k.a. Born Again