I Have a Host of Witnesses (former living Saints) Existing Angels, and This Video

God is a Spirit: and they that worship him must worship him in spirit and in truth. John 8:24 or for those who like balance, and truth Mathew, Mark, Luke, and Lazarus 8:24 the disciple whom Jesus loved.  Polycarp had it wrong! The Book of Revelation has John making sure everyone knows its him I John heard, I John saw,  in the fourth gospel he’s being humble??? Find out the truth and it is the only gospel that fingers Judas as a thief, could it be Lazarus was spirit walking? That’s a pretty heavy charge to make on a fellow Jew in that day, you need proof and whoever wrote this was the only one who knew, besides of course G-d but Jesus is not the one making the accusation of John 12:6. Rev_1:9  I John, who also am your brother, and companion in tribulation, and in the kingdom and… Read moreI Have a Host of Witnesses (former living Saints) Existing Angels, and This Video