Samson Destroyed the Philistines.

We need to save the Philistines; we can do it with truth.  If they refuse to believe then when the church is gone they will see that we told the truth. They will know those who kept them from Christ.  We need to win as many to Christ as we can before we depart. In order to compel the others left behind to come in. All human life is eternal G-d made us that way. Just as the veil remains over the eyes of the Hebrew people when the law of Moses is read. The veil is also upon those who deny Christ’s finished work and continue to sacrifice HIM a new.  Christ not only saved us from the curse of the law, but  HE also saved us from the priesthood which had its start by the false gods and the wicked men who serve them in Babylon. The state… Read moreSamson Destroyed the Philistines.