Shepherds Who Dance with Wolves

Get noticed by G-d as being treasonous they easily get sucked into the wolf’s agenda where they begin debating such things as the size of the candles on the altar while fascism creeps in around them. They begin approving  Idolatry and the mingling of the Holy with the unclean never seeing how they sided with the harlot to defend her agenda of world domination. It is safe to say the strong delusion is on them.   Remember Wormwood what he told Screwtape?  Don’t let them see the banners flying or give them any hope. When G-d was writing HIS word through HIS chosen vessels when did he realize that the enemy would make evil look good and good look evil?  Knowing the end from the beginning how would you order the word to save the world before the tribulation?  G-d knew what was needed and planned accordingly. The job of the Shepherd… Read moreShepherds Who Dance with Wolves