Worst than an infidel…

The Bible says we are worse than an infidel if we do not provide for our family. It is a word we seem to be hearing a lot lately, and Allah is coming for his little seven-year rule, and I warn you he has no Son.   That’s probably why he is so angry all the time? No sons meant he never had a girlfriend or anyone to love,  it truly is sad when you think about it. A G-d, who does not know love or understand Romance and joy, is not a G-d I want to spend eternity with,  do you? He is coming to rule just before Jesus sets up HIS 1000 year reign on the earth and we should prepare for them both accordingly. We should prepare to leave something behind for our families especially the 144,000 to not do so would make us worse than infidels. Jesus… Read moreWorst than an infidel…