It’s All In The Way You Look At Things.

Merry Christmas Saints and Future Saints. The question we should ask is this. How does G-d see everything? The angels had no centers for higher learning and if they did,  they would not have concluded all life began out of a black hole in one singularity. G-d is light and light began everything. Stephen Hawking had to come up with a formula that can prove life began some other way. He would have not sold as many books had he said to millions who seek to deny G-d’s existence, that light came first. Those people have no hope and are on their way to hell because they must find a way to prove HE does not exist. In doing so they must equally deny HIS SON. If they are celebrating Christmas, it certainly isn’t with Jesus. Instead of finding ways to prove HIS existence to bring HIM glory. They work… Read moreIt’s All In The Way You Look At Things.