Eat this…Not that

I began a weight-loss program that forces the body to metabolize fat faster. While doing so I came upon a website that told you to eat this food opposed to another food, which was less healthy. Then G-d placed on my heart to do something along the same lines. Just as many foods contain poisons along with unnecessary calories some Bible teachers do the identical thing. It is always best to look closely to the manure the teaching sprouted from. It may not be as organic as a real man of G-d would like. The fat may just end up in your head and heart trouble will still be a problem. In the recent movie “The Martian” starring Matt Damon, he survives his ordeal stranded on Mars by creating a greenhouse growing potatoes using his own bile in Martian soil. Fine for him,  but would you eat one of his… Read moreEat this…Not that